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Sabtu, 17 Mei 2014

Lombok #1

For holiday seeker, Lombok mungkin sudah punya 'nama' dengan tetangganya, Bali. Banyak destinasi wisata di pulau ini yang belum banyak diekspos media lho. Cobalah kunjungi Lombok :D

Monkey Forest, terletak di wilayah Lombok Barat. Cukup dekat dari Senggigi maupun dari Mataram. Kata Joe sih monyetnya nggak nakal. Lebih jinak. Jadi teringat seseorang nun jauh di Sulawesi, hehehe.. 

Kami ada di Pantai Sepi :D

Namanya Pantai Sepi. Sesepi keberadaannya, pantai ini cukup menarik untuk dikunjungi. Tetapi baiknya jangan terlalu sore berada di kawasan ini karena menurut penduduk sekitar daerahnya masih agak rawan. Terlepas dari itu, lanskap pantai ini terbilang keren lho, belum dikembangkan juga sepertinya. 

Mejeng di pekarangan, hehe. Penginapan kami suasanya asik banget deh, hijau menyegarkan :D

Jumat, 16 Mei 2014

Gemintang Langit Bumbang

Ilustrasi rasi bintang. Diunduh dari: www.fireplaza.com

Dua hari terakhir.

Jo, Sapu, Gito, Ari, dan saya.

Kami semua terperangah. Menengadah menatap langit. Merasa kecil. Entah apa jauh di atas sana. Bima Sakti.. galaksi.. black hole..

Saya paling bersemangat, bertanya pada Sapu, Gito, dan Ari. Apa itu bintang, rasi bintang, komet, meteor, kiamat *eh. Sebenernya nggak mau ngobrol yang ilmiah, tapi, berhubung situasi dan kondisi yang mendukung, saya getol bertanya pada mereka bertiga.

Subhanallah.. langit yang begitu bersih! Bahkan saya lupa kapan terakhir kali bisa melihat bintang-bintang bertaburan terhampar di langit malam. Serius,, langit Jakarta tak pernah sebersih di sini. Mungkin terakhir kali saya perhatian terhadap bintang ketika saya melihat Venus saat Ramadhan jaman  SD silam.

Sebenarnya hari sudah larut, sudah saatnya bagi kami untuk tidur. Tapi namanya mumpung, saya masih malas beranjak tidur. Saya memilih bale-bale di dekat pantai untuk menatap langit. Yeah, kami berlima ada di pantai. Pantai Bumbang namanya, terletak di pesisir selatan Pulau Lombok. Penginapan yang kami tempati ini adalah satu-satunya. Sepi. Kelewat sepi malah. Jadi horor sendiri sih, hahaha.. Untunglah horornya ramean. Asli jauh banget kalau mau kemana-mana. Isolated. Yang terdengar hanya lolong anjing kala malam dan debur ombak di pantai. Nyesel nggak nyetok roti buat ngemil malem.

Teringat terakhir kali saya nonton di Planetarium Taman Ismail Marzuki di Cikini. Sementara Gito, Ari, dan Jo, asyik ngobrol tentang astronomi, saya dan Sapu sibuk ngobrol sambil menengadah ke atas. Pegel sih, tapi asik. Kapan lagi ngeliat gemintang bertaburan di langit! Sayang saya tak bisa foto. Perlu teknis khusus yang lumayan ribet. Apalagi pakai kamera 5 megapiksel,,bhehehe.. kefoto dari hongkong :P

Sapu sibuk membuka referensi mengenai cara melihat rasi bintang. Stellarium kalo nggak salah. Sapu mengatakan bahwa bentuk salib di langit yang kami lihat adalah rasi Libra. Meski awalnya sulit, akhirnya saya berhasil 'membayangkan' bahwa itu adalah Libra: digambarkan dalam wujud timbangan. Lalu saya berhasil melihat Scorpio. Selebihnya, duh saya nyerah. Sapu masih serius mencocokkan rasi bintang di langit dengan referensi di ipad-nya. Jo dan Ari masih semangat ngobrol tentang astronomi. Gito nguap.

Katanya sih ada rasi baru ya yang ke-13. Ophiuscus kalo nggak salah. Saya udah nyerah njerengin mata ngehubungin titik-titik bintang, hehehe.

Melihat rasi bintang, bagi orang jaman dulu itu banyak gunanya (jaman sekarang juga tetep berguna lah). Menentukan arah pelayaran, menentukan musim untuk bertanam, hmm..menentukan awal puasa dan Idul Fitri juga.. ilmu falaq namanya. Nggak kebayang para pelaut di tengah lautan, berharap pada terang bintang untuk menentukan arah.. wuih..

Saya tiba-tiba ingat mengenai polusi cahaya di sebuah majalah yang ngomongin geografi dan negara. Dikatakan bahwa langit semakin 'kotor' akibat polusi cahaya lampu perkotaan. Dan akibatnya, bintang semakin sulit terlihat. Untuk melihat bintang, kita memang harus berada di lokasi yang minim cahaya. Di Bandung, ada namanya Observatorium Bosscha. Kata temen sih, pembangunan kawasan sekitar Bosscha mulai mengkhawatirkan karena terangnya sinar lampu mengganggu kekhusyukan pengamat untuk mengamati bintang.

Mungkin di Bumbang sini perlu dibikin observatorium. Langitnya bersih banget, hahaha (ngawur).

Di negara saya ini, ada nggak ya orang/pihak/badan yang kepikiran tentang penataan kota untuk mengurangi sorot lampu sehingga penduduk bisa lihat bintang? Hmm,,boro-boro deh kayaknya.

"eh liat nggak ada bintang jatuh?" ujar Sapu dan Gito berbarengan. Kami yang bertiga nggak sempat lihat.
Tak perlu bintang jatuh, gemintang yang menghampar di langit seperti ini saja sudah buat saya senang bukan main.. *norak ya, jarang liat bintang hehehe

"Pram, balik nyok" tegur Jo. Entah berapa lama saya bengong ngamatin bintang. Sambil beranjak ke kamar, sesekali saya menoleh menatap langit.

Let it go

I love for being stay in campus. First: I can meet my friends. Second: I can find wi-fi. Third: I can sleep like a log in kosan... and fourth: I can choose any canteen for my lunch time. hahaha (although seems like only yellow corner-dahlia-seruni). My friend offers me a new film to watch: frozen. It is an animation. Usually I dislike to see animation, but the reason why I love this film because of its soundtrack. Sing by Demi Lovato, it sounds interesting. So do the film.
My Tengtong friends has a group: geng nonton. I never take a part with them. I dislike to go to movie. Why we have to go the movie? That is it my mind. Then, I start to go to movie (not with that geng). Just with some of my friends. Just wanna know the ambiance. Hmm okay, that watching movie in the movie theater is pretty good. But, in term of condition, I wanna go to the movie if: 1) I have companion and 2) I really like the film. Moreover, I better stay in front of my laptop. Even begging to my friend :D

My bad behavior

Reading about blood type characters recently, it makes me think again about my behavior. From one of social media said that my personality is easy-going, neglectful, careless, mind absence. I don’t believe any forecast. Even zodiac or shio. I just take it as reference, that to be read. To be my own knowledge.

Few days ago, my friend and I got to presented our paper in one campus. I was glad to, but I did hurt my friend’s dream. Because of my tiredness, I lose it. I should have talk to my friend. Directly. Then I believe it made him sad. Then suddenly I hate myself, my bad habit. To hurt anybody’s feeling, and I’m regret. Yeah, I think I have to rearranged my plan. My goals. I don’t know, I like in the middle of nowhere. I talked to my friend. And I realized that I am kind of moodily person. Not at all, but yes. Most of my daily are under the mood. Oh no. I wonder I could fix it.

Thinking about new gadget

Yesterday my friend showed me about his new gadget. He bought it, yes, he is working at private company. I am little bit envy with him. You know, sometimes I miss my past time as a workers: I am not have to think about task or even paper, hahaha.

Gadget is lifestyle for nowadays’ teenagers life. Hmm, let me think: phone cell, laptop, PC, mp3, ipad, iphone,, well,, lot of update stuff! I used to have gadget: I consider the function, not for style. I consider the needs, not wants.

Gadget, oh yeah. Especially for phone cell. You add twitter for android there, or facebook for android,, or instagram! This one poisoned me: posting a lot of photos to everyone. I’m not kind of shared-photos easily you know, but since I use my gadget, it is so easy to share. It is like “hey guy, I had eat this one” or “hey guys, now I’m here!”

You know, I don’t want to share my feeling in social media. But you are my exception..my blog. I can lose my facebook, twitter, instagram, but not my blog. And my email also..

I always see people in facebook share their feeling (I don’t wanna do this again). You know, mostly the ‘alay’ people always posting his or her feeling: anytime-anywhere-anyplace. Then, twitter. Tweeting anything in tweeter..umm well it is limited space.  And instagram,,hahaha.. this one is even better. You don’t need put many words there. Just posting your photos. Even you can post the walking ants.

Hufft.... how much money left for the new one?

My phone cell are going to pass away. It suddenly off. Restart by itself. And I think about new phone cell. How do you think if you are not bring your phone cell? Even phone cell is more important than a wallet! But, yeah, I have to think it seriously. I’m not a though guy. I’m moodily, haha. I hope I could buy a new functional-trendy gadget. Not just for style, but to fulfill my needs :D

World is not larger than kelor leaf

The more I am waiting, the more I bored. Waiting for the counselor is like hunting for a ticket for the train in the station. But I don’t know why when  I am in the zero-point there are always new things that is not related with my research. It is like a game of chance: I decided to join work with my friend. Redesign the park..wheww.. it was took a lot of my time. Even I have to stay at my friend’s kosan. Luckily I could watch Indonesia Lawak Klub. That program could not be find in my kosan. Antenna issue.

Then, when our work was about completed, the owner asked us to join. We decided to take site-visit for ensure that our design fit pretty well. At one place we gathered. Then, I realised that there is one of my lecturer standing. Oh my God.. I was speechless, but my lecturer just smiled at me and convince me to be enthusiastic. She is a legend, I think. I ever taught by her. An inspire..but also mysterious. Just take the good one and left the bad. This is landscape architecture, kind of job that is still ‘rare’ (but today in my country, landscape architecture start to be considered as a main consideration in many projects). Networking is an important thing, so we should have to be connected with other professionals.