#omomipb goes to Malang

Malang, 30 November 2013
Senin, 26 Desember 2011
Little Baby [English mode on]
Alhamdulillah .. now got a new family member,, on Tuesday, December 6, 2011. Has been born of our new family member, Rafid Muh jayyid, son of my sister: Daisy Dwi Prianthy and Winengku Nuranggama (elder brother-in-law).
On Monday, December 5, 2011, since the same evening Mr. Mom went to the Pasar Rebo hospital. Mas Nengku been reported that titin mba in hospital. Again induction. Mr. Mom to stay at the hospital. I also felt excited. The first child yes, yes the first grandchild, first niece iya.hehe ..
Tuesday morning I was late to the Ragunan permission. Me and mbakku to the hospital. Alhamdulilah streets smoothly, even each intersection through which the red light is not taxable. Maybe it's His way yes .. I feel very grateful. Weather is also a bit cloudy and cool. Not so hot sting.
Arrived at the hospital, Ms. titin has entered the operating room and will do a cesarean. I understand that the baby dikeluarin section through the stomach. Hii .. also sounded horrified. But my terror does not mean too. Mbakku must be dissected. We are all waiting and hoping and praying for salvation mbakku and her baby.
Hours 8:40 Dedek baby is born. OEE OEE .. .. hours of 9:10 mas Nengku notified via phone (I know the system like that) by the nurse when the baby is born with a length of 40 cm weight 2550 grams.
We immediately grateful Alhamdulilah, the delivery process went smoothly. We exchanged a handshake. Officially became the father of my mother's grandparents, and mas nengku mbakku officially became the father-mother, my sister and I officially became the first mbakku paklek and bude.ehehe ..
Shortly mbakku out of surgery. I was touched. Seeing mbakku already struggling childbirth. Santi's mom and sis also moved. Dedek new baby four hours longer to get out of the treatment room.
I was eleven and a half hours straight to Ragunan again. No concentration. Want cepet-cepet to the hospital again. I went to sign the diary field contractor. Srat, snip, srat. Four and a half hours I went back home: a shower, go back together adekku trus. Brrrm ... direct us to the Pasar Rebo Hospital again.
In the room mbakku already crowded with large families Nengku mas. Lucuuu .. hihi ... see a new creature in the box baby .. Alhamdulillah .. happy ..
BAAA...Om plaaam...
[teks diatas asli transletan dari Mbah Google,hihi.. www.isengbanget.com]
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6 komentar :
namanya koq rafid jadinya? ada Mr Mom juga, haduh2x...
hoho,,berubah lagi namanya: Jayyid Muhammad Amsyar pakdhe,hehe.. maklumlah korban googletrenslet ya bgini :P
selamat menjadi om :))
makasih tante pewe..hehe..:)
hahaha, pantesan aneh bgt kalimatnya pram *korban gugel trenslet ya. selamaat om pram dan tante silka.. dari tante dwica yg udah kebanyakan ponakan
suprim,boso opo iki? *tepok jidat*
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