#omomipb goes to Malang

Malang, 30 November 2013
Kamis, 27 Februari 2014
Incidentally, intentionally
Life goes on, and I'm in the mid of my 20's. Then, reading a lot of books even the maps are not helping me to find out how does the world look like. In my past time, I'm just a boy who doesn't go anywhere. Stuck in the awkward city. Now, I will save my money wisely for my dream: go around the world. At least, I wanna go around this country. From incidentally to intentionally,, or reverse, that's not the point. The point is I wanna see the landscape,, I wanna read the world. Sounds like a silly things.. who care?
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2 komentar :
Azek... udh siap jalan2 nih... heehee... ad 1000 alasan knp d'usia 20 th hrs jalan2 mlihat dunia... ayooo...
mantapss,, apalagi bareng istri ka.. hehehe #manas2in :p
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